Photography and Photographers


  • Berenice Abbott
  • Ansel Adams
  • Diane Arbus
  • Eugene Atget
  • Richard Avedon
  • Margaret Bourke-White
  • Brassi
  • Robert Capa
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson
  • Danny Clinch
  • Imogen Cunningham
  • Bill Cunnigham
  • Alfred Eisenstaedt
  • Walker Evans
  • Robert Frank
  • Anne Geddes
  • Fritz Henle
  • David Hockney
  • Yousuf Karsh
  • Dorothea Lange
  • Annie Leibovitz
  • Man Ray
  • Sally Mann
  • Robert Mapplethorpe
  • Steve McCurry
  • John Muir
  • Eadweard Muybridge
  • Gordan Parks
  • Paul Shand
  • Edward Steichen
  • Alfred Stieglitz
  • Henry Fox Talbot
  • Andy Warhol
  • Margaret Watkins
  • Seema Weatherwax
  • Weegee
  • Edward Weston
  • Garry Winogrand

Below are some examples of books on photographers from ProQuest Ebook Central. Try looking for your artist in ProQuest Ebook Central.

Ebook Central

Search Credo Reference for information about individual photographers.

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