Graphic Communications

This is a guide to CMCC library resources in digital imaging and graphic design

Books of Interest

Ebook Central

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Open Educational Resources (OER) are free online materials that anyone can access anytime.

Many of the books about graphic design and graphic imaging are located in various sections of the library.  
Some areas to browse are:

  • HF 5825 advertising layout & typography
  • HF 7533 letterheads
  • KF copyright
  • NC 800 - 1000 - graphic arts, illustrations, commercial and advertising art, typography, logography
  • ND 1488 - 1495 color in art
  • NK 3600 - alphabets, calligraphy, lettering
  • QA 76.76 HTML, multimedia
  • T 385 Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, computer graphics
  • TK 5105 internet, website design
  • TR digital photography
  • TT 200's - screenprinting, arts and crafts
  • Z color printing, typography, magazine design & newspaper layout type designers and founders

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