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PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology - Duffy

This is the material covered in Judi Moreno's Library presentation to Mary-Therese Duffy's Psychology 101 classes.

Find Scholarly Articles Psychology Database for Duffy

Search Tips - Psychology Databases

Tips for searching for scholarly articles in Proquest Psychology Journals

There are many ways to get to Proquest Psychology Journals; this is one way:

·         From the Learning Commons home page, 

·         Select A-Z list

·         Select Proquest Psychology Journals

If you are searching off campus, you will be asked for your student ID number and your last name

You will land on the Advanced Search Page

Think of what keywords you want to use and type them in each box, combining them with AND/OR/NOT as needed

Notice the limiters in the drop down box.  Depending on your results, you can adjust these.  For example

·         Anywhere except full text (the default search) is a good general keyword search

·         Try searching just the Abstract if the above is too many

·         Use a subject search if you need to limit and narrow your results a lot, it’s like a topic search

Limit to Full Text Documents

Limit to Peer reviewed

Update your publication dates to either the last 10 years or the last 5 years depending on your topic

Select or exclude any document types that are appropriate.  For example, you should not use the following for this assignment

·         Commentary

·         Editorial

·         Correspondence

If you can limit (or include) results to just retrieve Case study, this would be best


Tips for Searching for scholarly articles in Gale’s Psychology Collection

There are several ways to access this database. Here is one way:

·         From the Learning Commons home page, 

·         Select A-Z list

·         Select Psychology Collection

From home use your student ID number and last name to access

You should land on the Advanced Search Screen

Add your search terms to the boxes and combine using AND/OR/NOT

Use the limiters on the drop down menu to retrieve more or less results

·         Basic search limiter uses an algorithm (which varies by product) and searches various fields like: keyword, title, text from the document, & subjects, and perhaps others

·         Keyword search is a good all-purpose search

·         Abstract search just searches the summary (abstract)

·         Subject is like a topic search, this can give the most focused results

Limit to Full Text Documents

Limit to Peer-Reviewed Journals

Limit your publication date to something more recent, either the last 5 or 10 years

Select the document types that your instructor wants

·         Article

·         Case study

Or, you can exclude the document types that you don’t want to use, such as:

·         Editorial

·         Commentary

·         Viewpoint

·         Review

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