Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices by P. N. RavindranCall Number: TX819.H4 R38 2017eb
ISBN: 9781780643151
Publication Date: 2018-02-16
The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices provides comprehensive coverage of the taxonomy, botany, chemistry, functional properties, medicinal uses, culinary uses and safety issues relating to over 250 species of herbs and spices. These herbs and spices constitute an important agricultural commodity; many are traded globally and are indispensable for pharmaceuticals, flavouring foods and beverages, and in the perfumery and cosmetic industries. More recently, they are increasingly being identified as having high nutraceutical potential and important value in human healthcare. An invaluable reference tool, this book: · Presents easily accessible information, including up-to-date nomenclature and taxonomy · Is beautifully illustrated with over 250 figures · Begins with an introductory chapter on the definition, classification, history, and applications of herbs and spices worldwide · Is written by a well-known authority within the field This encyclopedia is an excellent resource for researchers, students, growers and manufacturers, in the fields of horticulture, agriculture, botany, crop sciences, food science and pharmacognosy.