Open Educational Resources (OER) are free online materials that anyone can access anytime.
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts covering ancient, medieval, and modern history presented for educational use.
This site provides an electronic equivalent to the printed work and contains a select collection of thoughts, opinions, and arguments of the Founding Fathers.
Best of History Web Sites, created by EdTechTeacher Inc, is a portal that contains annotated links to over 1200 history web sites that explore a wide range of categories.
World History Matters is a portal to world history websites developed by the Center for History and New Media through George Mason University.
This database contains links to open access primary source historical documents from Western Europe.
This site provides online access to thousands of selected, digitized materials in all formats . Specific finding aids can be found
The University of Southern Maine’s Franco-American collection is one of the largest repositories of Franco-American archival material in the State of Maine. The Collection’s holdings cover local history, government, religion, language, education, industry, sports and the arts.
Information from the State of Maine Website.
University of Maine. A database of the annual reports of thirty towns from across the state of Maine.
Central Maine Community College Library - 1250 Turner St., Auburn, Maine 04210 - Telephone: (207)755-5218 - Fax: (207)755-5494
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