The pages (tabs) in this Sociology subject guide provide information to assist you in doing research and writing reports for your Sociology courses at CM.
Books, E-books, & more contains links to ProQuest Ebook Central and Credo Reference books that focus on sociology. The middle section has reference books in print in the Learning Commons. There is also search box for Minerva to locate additional print resources.
Finding Articles contains links to the best Sociology databases available for the CM community.
Online Resources contains links to Maine and Federal governmental sites; general sociology web sites; and sociology association sites.
Citation Help contains information on how to use APA or MLA for creating your bibliography. The Learning Commons keeps both manuals on Reserve, so stop by the Information Desk to use them in the Learning Commons.
van Caspel, M. (2004, August 18). [Snail family] [Photograph] iStock. https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/family-of-snails-picture-id172152855