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Spring Semester Hours:
Mon - Thu 8am - 8pm & Fri 8am - 4:30pm

Tutoring in the Math Science Center


Library Instruction


The Learning Commons has a number of online resources as well as regularly scheduled drop in workshops on college level resources. The handouts and tutorials page is designed to get students started with many of the more frequently asked questions regarding research in college.   We also have a growing number of videos on our YouTube Channel.  

The Learning Commons just subscribed to CREDO Instruct, a comprehensive information literacy package that includes tutorials, videos, and assessments. All of which can be embedded into E-Learning.  More information is forthcoming.

We encourage students to start with these online resources and then follow up with any one of the friendly Librarians or Learning Commons Peer Tutors with specific questions, we are very happy to help. Requests for in-class instruction should address specific assignments, and Librarians may be able to briefly visit your class to demo a resource.